Thursday 22 October 2009

First post :)

Okay so this is my first post on my shiny new blog :) I'm a second year student studying photography & video, and have been asked to set up a blog for one of my modules [2406] to keep a record of my ideas, development, research, inspirations, and thoughts in general. So here I am! 


Our first, unassessed project was 'Transitional Spaces" Which was, basically just what it says on the tin. We got to make of it whatever we took the two words to mean. I was grouped up with Jake [Jakub] and Afsheen. Our initial idea was to look at spaces and places as the transitional theme... trying to think of places that a lot of people would pass by on a regular basis on their route from A to B throughout the day. This gave Jake the idea of all the different ashtrays on and around the campus, they're always being used / walked past without really consciously thinking about it. So we borrowed a hammerflash and went about our merry way photographing some ashtrays from various angles and using the flash in different ways to make the pictures more interesting. 
After we looked at the photos on the computer, we decided they were all a bit similar and where the idea would be cool for something like a giant portfolio of  ashtrays or something, for this project it could get pretty boring so we started to re-think our ideas.
I came up with the day as a transition. From the second you wake up, the first thing you see, what you do next; make breakfast, brush your teeth, watch tv etc, any given photo opportunity to take a picture. We could fish out the best ones later. 
Here are a few of the images we ended up with:

IMG_1696 IMG_1699 IMG_1768 IMG_1777 IMG_1779 IMG_1791 IMG_1805 IMG_1812 IMG_1820 fags1 fags2

Not amazing, but it's the theme of 'everyday life' so they weren't going to be phenomenal. 

Then we got to present our work in front of the other groups and we swapped our work, so a stills group would edit a video groups work and vise-versa. We got Alex, Debbie, Livvie and Jo's work to edit. On the whole it was easy to edit, once we came up with a general idea for it. We were a bit stuck at first. The groups idea was to have it from the characters point of view just waiting for her bus, what kind of cars go past, general daydreaming. But we didn't want to just go with what the groups initial idea was, as that wasn't the brief. We had to edit it in our own way. So I suggested having the character (having missed her bus), start to get really pissed off and take it out on everyone around her with her angry thoughts (because thats how I feel when I'm pissed off). :)
Jake then suggested we start off with her being really upset about missing her bus, and then start to get angry.
In the end we spent so much time on the timing of the music that we fucking just went a bit mental and took the piss with the cheesy writing etc. But in the end it worked quite well and made people laugh so that was good. :D 
Heres the final piece:

Rage-tastic. :)

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