Wednesday 20 January 2010

More research...

Here is an example of cindy Shermans work, some of the characters she creates and these alter ego's she transforms into. Throughout all of her work she intentionally named every image 'untitled(number)', to depersonalize them. She insists that she was merely playing the roles of these characters, and they were completely fabricated. I, however, am interested in using this kind of large variety of characters to represent different parts of myself or other people.

This is the work of Oliver Koch. I found this work in a book called 'Photography, made in Zurich', which features the work of over forty students, some with explanations, some without. Becasue they were students at the time the book was made, it's very hard to find any other work or information about the peoples work featured in it. From what i can see, however, he uses himself to portray different characters to some extent, and manages, like Sherman, to change like a chameleon. I also find it interesting how in all of his series he is portraying himself as a woman...

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