So here are my holga images I took, and scanned in.

Although they are all based in Leicester, not my hometown where I grew up, they are all of significance to a personal memory I have.
The sun casting shadows though windows;- As a child I would lie on the floor wherever the sun was and move around the room as it did.
I was always terrified of pylons; Becasue of an advert I saw on Telly as a child for electricity, they got up and started to walk, and I thought they were actually alive because of this! :(
I hate swans! :- Due to being attacked by one as a small child.
Going on walks by the canal and over the quays;- Self explanatory, only it was with my mum and my dog.
Getting my arm stuck in metal fences;- Similar to the fence pictured, I got my arm stuck in these many a time. I never learned. I was terrified!
Though this was just a test strip, I feel they work / came out really well and I could actually use these in my final piece if I wanted to. :)
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