Okay so I made a little matchbox pinhole, and took it out to experiment and just see if it would actually work first!
I used a black and white film, just to try it out to start with. Before I wasted a whole roll of 35mm colour, i can't afford to buy lots of film! :(
Here it is :D !
Though, I had a thought while I was making it....
I am doing a project about memories, I wanted to try to express the fact that sometimes our memory gets a little bit 'fuzzy'!
So, I'd make the pinhole a little larger than usual so that the images would come out a little blurred, but not too blurred so that it was impossible to make out what's what :) !
Okay so I just tested it out in the garden, with different exposures etc.
Click for bigger!

Soooooo.... all in all, EPIC FAIL basically! :(
I wanted the images to be blurred, but these are too blurred !
I circled the only decent-ish ones that came out.
The other MASSIVE problem being that I didn't make it light tight enough! Meaning I have light leaks all over the place :(
To be honest I'm not sure if they work at all to be honest.....
I'm thinking of making another in the near future and using colour film, making the pinhole much smaller and actually sealing the bloody thing up right this time!
Then again it was just an experiment ;)
I'll think about making another one... but this time think about what I could take pictures of properly, not just experimenting in the garden !
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