Wednesday 20 January 2010

Bernard Faucon

Bernard Faucon. 
I fucking love these images! I scanned them in from a book called 'Le grandes Vacances'. Unfortunatly it was all in french so I couldn't translate much of it. Faucon uses these mannequins as props and people to re-enact certain childhood memories he has, or certain dreams. Which is exactly what my idea was :D I'm happy I came across this photographer, it's a really good find. Although much of his work is hard to find, as his work was generally more known in the late 70s. He also uses this boy along with the mannequins and dolls, which makes them appear more life like as if they were on their own, as the boy is interacting with them, i feel. 
I'd like to do something along the lines of this, and using myself aswell as the mannequins. However the trouble being I don't have a lot of mannequins or dolls lying about, and they are quite expensive to buy ! :( It's an idea I can work on though...

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