Wednesday 20 January 2010

Moving image

I'm planning to research into my previous idea more, and take some images too. But In the mean time I wanted to produce a bit of moving image.
I have already made an initial video for the transitional spaces theme, of a demolition site through a rainy window. It's time lapsed, from 8am - 7pm. It was just to show the progress the workmen made in one day.

I decided that because I want to produce self-portraits, I would do something similar with myself.
Not only this, but I wanted to try to produce something similar to Clayton Cubitt's work, [Mentioned a few posts back, the 'long portraits'], as I really loved that idea....

However I couldn't just leave the camera in a room over the space of a day because I'm not in one room al day. So instead I chose to video myself at night.

I left the camera running overnight with night vision turned on. I had the camera to take a photo every 5 minutes for half a second.

When it came to editing, I pretty much left it how it was apart from removing certain parts where I didn't move for quite some time, [and parts where my boyfriend was completely attacking me while asleep with his arm and you couldn't see me at all]. I changed the audio however, as the audio was mostly that 'static' noise, and the odd snore. It just didn't sound right. So instead I looped a selected piece of audio, so that it was in sync with the different frames. I think the audio works well with the visual, as it's kind of like a tune. However I don't think the overall piece is that good, it's a pretty basic idea. But it was just experimentation.

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