Just a quick idea on projection....
I could produce a similar idea to Lori Novak's but on a much smaller scale.
A quick idea was this; [Not displaying my best drawing skills here but you get the idea haha]

To have a projector... I could book out a lecture theatre to use the digital projectors in there, or I could even just be old school use an O.H.P, it wouldn't really matter. The idea to have printed out a good amount of the old photographs I found of my grandfathers and stick them on the wall, and to have my own baby photos , and possibly some of the 're-enacted photos' i took too on the projector.

The other idea was to have both the old photos and the 'new' photos of myself as above, but also have me in front of the projection too, in a series of poses ? This would mean that my work would not only include my grandparents memories, but my own as a child and my more 'recent' self.
This kind of idea would create a mish-mash of photos and it might get a bit 'fussy' and complicated to look at.... but it could be interesting at the same time.
Just an idea.
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