Wednesday 20 January 2010

Arthur Tress

I came across this book in the university library; it's called 'The dream collector' and it features images by Arthur Tress. In this series, he asked children what their dreams consisted of, their most horrific, strange or abnormal dreams. Then he arranges the children with props to act out their dreams, the result being these disturbing images.


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I ADORE these photographs and this concept! As our experiences and memories shape who we are as we are growing up, so do our dreams in a way. They can lead the path to phobias, the feeling of being disorientated and confused, or make us happy and hopeful. And everyone likes to talk about their dreams! I will definatly go into this subject at some point in the near future. He also links the images with text, to explain the image, and i feel this works very well as the audience wouldnt understand at all if not for the text.

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