Wednesday 20 January 2010


I attempted to get the ball rolling with my own work after a little research, and I felt a good place to start was with the 'im too sad to tell you' work. Here are a few contact sheets from my initial shoot;




[Please click on the images to see the fullsized view]

I tried it with simple compotitions and the only light was with a hammer flash, these were just an experiment to see if i wanted to continue down this route. In the last set of contacts I grouped together the photos i felt worked best, and chnged the colour to black and white in the style of Bas Jan Ader. I also added a little colour to some to see if it would make any difference. I'm not at all happy with these images, it's really not the direction I wanted to go in and I don't feel they work well anyway, so I will not continue to develop this idea.

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